Record Keeping ABC Violation Part 2

Are you familiar with the VA ABC Authority's record keeping requirement?
All records shall be kept on the premises for 2 years.

Proof of monthly sales is one of the most important elements of record keeping. Your POS, cash register, or other sales reporting system you are using should categorize your sales in the following categories:

  • Entrees
  • Other Food
  • Nonalcoholic Beverages
  • Wine and Beer
  • Mixed Beverages
  • To Go
  • Total

Reporting for the annual MBAR is as follows:

  • Food & Nonalcoholic Beverages
  • Wine & Beer
  • Mixed Beverages
  • Miscellaneous (to go)

We recommend that you confirm daily, weekly, and monthly that your record-keeping system is accurately capturing sales in the correct sales category. Having a proper record-keeping system in place is very important.

Monitoring your Food to Liquor ratio is also an important part of record keeping.  A minimum of 45 percent of the total gross sales must be from food and nonalcoholic beverages. Conversely, alcohol sales should comprise no more than 55 percent of these sales. The ratio is calculated over the course of your license year, not monthly. To-Go items may not be included in the food and nonalcoholic beverage sales.

Learn more about record-keeping and Ratio by taking our online alcohol training at TOAST VA.

If you need assistance with record keeping contact a specialist today.

  • Use our Ratio Calculator
  • We want to assist you with navigating the Virginia Alcohol regulations.
  • We want you to have compliant record keeping.
  • We want you to have a successful business free from paying fines to VA ABC.